friends, music, racism, television 8:08 PM | 0 comments
This is so absurd that it is, in turn, amazing.
aww, love, marriage, muppets, video 4:26 PM | 0 comments
In today's romantic news, this gentlemen ordered look-alike puppets of both him and his girlfriend, convinced a local theater to stick this into the theater previews, and proposed to her in this most nerdy and fantastic of fashions. The sound you are hearing is the strumming of your heartstrings.
bad ass, presidents 1:50 PM | 0 comments
A young Teddy Roosevelt, before all that hippopotamus murdering and Spanish slaughtering and illegitimate baby-fathering.
Let's just admit it: Roosevelt was the Chuck Norris of the 19th Century. And he was elected president.
games, invention, time 1:41 PM | 0 comments
Interesting concept, though it would take some time to get used to.
Of course, analog clocks are a mindfuck within themselves, so reading domino time shouldn't be that far of a stretch.
children, meme, video 1:35 PM | 0 comments
If a meme could evolve like a Pokemon, this video would be a fucking Charizard.
music, sassy 1:03 PM | 0 comments
How have I never posted this most amazing of live performances??