awkward, aww, otters, video 12:46 PM | 0 comments
This video of a mother otter teaching her whelp to swim is endearing with a hefty slice of awkward parenting, especially the repeated points when the mother other holds the kid's head under the water in a reenactment of every nerd's middle-school nightmare.
boobs, idiots, jerk, spoof, video, wedding 12:39 PM | 0 comments
500th post! Either I'm a loser or...well...no, I'm just a loser. I hope any of you actually looking at my rambling are enjoying yourselves. I also hope that the people I steal this crap from aren't preparing to serve some mountain of litigation on my face. Time will tell.
This is a redemption of sorts: Jerry O'Connell and his wife Rebecca Romijn (who has made a marriage career out of shacking up with Has-Beens) reenact the subject of this post, though with slightly different results.
comics, spoof, video games 12:32 PM | 0 comments
Videogame University: The New Class
Oh, I love these.