aww, franco, mirrors, video 4:06 PM | 0 comments
It's like James Franco's life goal is to be adorable.
princess bride, spoof, star wars, video 4:05 PM | 0 comments
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. I am your father. Prepare to die.
idiots, politics, video 12:13 PM | 0 comments
I repost this video only to remind everyone that Tucker Carlson was, is, and always will be a complete idiot.
To summarize his point, the only issues that are not "sideshows" and "stupid" are those that effect all Americans. Forget gay soldiers, forget sick 9/11 responders, basically forget any type of minority issue until, *cough cough*, unemployment rates are fixed.
Let's see Tucker Carlson get kicked out his job for an aspect of his identity that is not a majority trait. We'll see how "stupid" and "sideshow" the issue is then.
epic, music, water 12:07 PM | 0 comments
This starts as impressive, moves on to somewhat more impressive, then becomes absolutely epic come the end. I wouldn't have the patience, let alone the dexterity to accomplish anything close to this.
disney, music, pixar, remix 12:05 PM | 0 comments
There is this guy named Pogo or Fagottron who's been uploading Disney and Pixar remixes to youtube. He uses only sounds from the films themselves (and clearly a healthy dose of autotune) to create these bizarre, Passion Pit-esque songs. Toy Story's is below:
It amuses me that tumblr has been down at least half the time - if not all the time - for the past week. It's time to move on, everyone else.
And, for the record, I finally feel vindicated in my choice to use blogspot.